I just heard another story, this week, from a guy whose dad died shortly after retiring. The guy said his dad worked hard, all his life, at a job he actually liked. It wasn’t glamorous. And it didn’t make him that coveted 6 figure or 7 figure income. But it DID help him provide for a family of five. So, he worked it for about 40 years and then retired.
But why did he die shortly after retiring?
Well, I don’t know all the circumstances. But the son said his dad was actually in reasonably good health. And everyone thought he’d live another 20 years. So, I have a theory.
I believe his dad died because he stopped doing what he enjoyed. And he stopped working. And probably something inside him made him feel like he was less of a provider for his family. But like I said, it’s just a theory. But it’s based on quite a few similar stories I’ve heard and read about.
Maybe you’re a young person, just starting out in the Real world. And retiring isn’t even on your radar. If so, it might seem like none of this matters to you. But it does.
Because, like it or not, you’re not immune to growing old. And that future you think is so far off will be here before you know it. Believe me, time moves fast.
So, I think it’s crucial to get a clear vision, while you’re still young, for where you wanna go. And how you’d like to get there. In fact, I think that clear vision is so important that I created a whole section for how to do it in RondaReady YOUniversity.
And that section, alone, has lessons for how to get set up, organize files, and even how to determine how much money you wanna make.
It’s part of what I call “Envision Your Future”
Because I’ll bet, right now, you don’t see yourself dying just a couple of years after retiring. Right? And I hope that’s the case. But if you want to avoid that fate, you can’t avoid it by accident. You need a vision. And a mission. And you need to know what’s important to you. So you can FOCUS.
When you’re Ready to find out more about how RondaReady YOUniversity can help you focus on and envision your future, book some time to talk. We’d love to show you how you can learn to System Think and jump into the Real world with Real skills. Click or tap the link below.
Stay Ready,