We’re getting Ready to finish out the first week of 2022. And I bet it’s been all hands on deck so far. Right? Because you want this new year to start off on a go-get-em pace. Makes sense. Especially since we’re dealing with all these extra challenges nowadays.
But here’s on of my absolute favorite quotes about all hands on deck…
“Make sure everyone in your boat is rowing and not drilling holes when you’re not looking.”
I wish I knew who said it first. But that doesn’t keep it from being one of my favorite quotes. If you know me, you might have heard me say it before. And there can be many times when owning a business can feel like rowing upstream. You’ve felt that, right? When that happens, you sure don’t need more headaches like someone drilling figurative holes in your boat.
And the worst drillers are the doubters. Ew…the doubters.
This all came up in my mind as I thought about one of my client meetings from a couple of years ago. The business owner’s wife didn’t understand his passion for building his business. And that nearly crippled his productivity and success. Because his attention was divided. He had to explain his efforts to her. And still find and make time to focus on day-to-day business chores. His wife doubted.
But you’re always gonna have doubters.
Sure as a day is 24 hours long. Or is it really 24 hours long? Could it be 23 hours long and we’ve just been told it’s 24 by unseen forces? Yeah, that’s how doubters try to sneak into your brain.
So, here’s what you do. Tell your doubters to go doubt themselves. Because you’ve got work to do. And you don’t need someone telling you all the reasons they don’t believe you can reach your goals.
Starting your own business took courage. And that means you’ve absolutely gotta get people around you who will support you.
They don’t have to be a carbon copy of you. But they DO need the skills and willingness to stick by you through thick and thin. And be there to listen and encourage. NOT doubt.
Because doubters don’t see that your business is a part of you. And they tend to go along with your idea as long as the going is easy. But they forget about the old saying, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”
They just wanna let go.
That’s part of why it’s so important to build your business to be more independent and self sufficient. So it won’t consume you and your time. It’ll only consume the doubters. And with a proven system you can build your business better and faster. And that means you’ll have more time with those closest to you.
I don’t doubt it a bit. Your links to get the proven RondaReady System are below.
Stay Ready,
RondaReady System monthly plan
RondaReady System annual plan