A couple of years ago I shared a sad story about Bill (not his real name), an ambitious client of mine. In fact he set a goal of making $5 million in profits from his business within 10 years. But it all blew up in Bill’s face. And it wasn’t just a matter of skills and ambition. His goal took up all his time. Which meant there was none left for family time.
Business ambition shouldn’t destroy your family.
Bill didn’t make or take the time to set up his systems ahead of time. So that kept him focused IN his business. The more money he made, the more he focused IN his business. And he totally failed at family time. His financial dreams replaced the girl of his dreams. Phone calls and business meetings replaced his kids. So, for all intents and purposes, he married his business and divorced his family.
Of course, that doesn’t happen to every ambitious business owner. Because some of them are lucky enough to have a husband or wife help them go in the same direction. And when they’re ready, willing, and able to work together toward the same goals, they can balance business and family. Their strengths and weaknesses compliment each other. And they build the life of their dreams.
But, sad to say, very few people get there.
Because too many families don’t work well together. And business goals demolish family life.
And that’s why I talk so much about the importance of a system. A system that can free you up from the day-to-day tasks. One that separates you from all those things that can be done by employees or tools in the system. Then, you’re free to work on ideas and relationships. Instead of buying office supplies or making coffee.
I’ve seen this work, over and over, when my clients dive into the RondaReady System. And I’ve seen business owners enjoy so much more time, money, and freedom.
That’s why I say my system is Proven.
It really can help you build a business better and faster. But I also add this disclaimer: The RondaReady System is only for serious business owners and entrepreneurs who will follow the System. Because, those who do won’t pay for it. Sure, they’ll buy it and plug their business into it. But their increased sales and profits will pay for it.
If that sounds like the kind of business owner or entrepreneur you are (or wanna be), your link to the Proven System is below. But if you’re struggling to make ends meet, or your business has no funds to invest in a System, please save your money. Don’t go into debt for this System. And certainly don’t risk your family’s financial security on it.
This is only for the go-getters ready to go where their ambition wants to take ’em.
Stay Ready,
Get your proven RondaReady System here