Be Prepared
Hi. I hope you’re having a great day. And you’ll see in the video, I’m sharing, that I have a little extra on. A little hat. (the kids don’t really like it, but I do.) And gloves. Jacket. Turtleneck. Because it was extremely cold as I recorded the video. If you live in Colorado, you know what I mean. And that all brings me to my point: Be prepared.
Just like I had to be prepared for the cold, are you prepared to take your business to the next level?
Now, I mean TRULY prepared. In other words, be focused. Know where you’re going. And get and keep your schedule under control. Do you have all three areas of relationship building for your business systematized. And you better attract customers and clients. Be sure to connect with them. Also, don’t forget to nurture them after the transaction and/or connection phase of the relationship is done.
Do you have things in place to measure performance? And how are you keeping score? I mean, how do you really know what you’re doing? Are you putting together projections? And forecasting…so you know what goals you wanna hit? Do you have your processes and procedures documented? Because that makes it so much easier to create a turnkey business. And you’ll be able to train other people and set up tools to take your place in the day-to-day operations.
Know those answers and be prepared.
And if you’re not prepared, you might as well go out in minus 5 degrees weather with no outer protection. Uh…you can do it. But it won’t be fun. And you’re not gonna last long.
So, invest in your own copy of the RondaReady System book, today. And it IS a good investment. Because it can pay for itself exponentially, and help you…
Stay Ready,
Responsive Organized Nonstop Development Authority