You’re familiar with bone broth. Right? I mean, surely you’ve heard of how good it is for you. Because health “gurus,” all over the internet, talk about it. A lot.
One article I read mentioned their 9 Top Benefits of Bone Broth
I’m not gonna share all the data. You can look that up if you’re interested. But here are the benefits:
- Boosts Immunity
- Alleviates The Common Cold And Bronchitis
- Fights Inflammation
- Strengthens Bones And Teeth
- Promotes Weight Loss
- Improves Hydration
- Restores Exercise Capacity
- Builds Muscle
- Improves Mood with Bone Broth
OK, who in the world wouldn’t want those benefits? Especially when the solution is so tasty.
Well, one guy figured the benefits of bone broth were so awesome that people would be searching for it online. So he did something pretty unusual in the business world. He started a website for a bone broth product he didn’t have ready yet. And he actually promoted the website so people would find it.
And they DID!
So, Justin Mares was able to start his Kettle & Fire Bone Broth company before he even had any bone broth available. Fortunately, orders poured in. And that provided the money he needed to develop the product and supply the demand.
But what does any of this have to do with you and me?
Hmm…maybe nothing.
But then again, maybe you’ve got ideas like Justin did. And maybe one of your ideas could turn out to be a winner, like his was. How awesome would that be? Right?
Guess what would be even better than building a website first? OK, I won’t make you guess. The answer is, build a System first. A System to help you automate, delegate, and grow your business to the point where it can run even without you swimming in the day-to-day details.
Or you could skip the “build” part and plug your business into a proven System. Let’s see now. Where could you possibly find something like that?
Oh yeah, right here. My RondaReady System is the best there is. Because it has the one advantage no other business building system has. Me. So, book a call with me. And I’ll show you what it’s all about and how it can help. Your link to do that is below.
Stay Ready,