At my last corporate job, my boss made up the title “Performance Advocate” for me. I really liked it. And I’ve worked hard to live up to it ever since. It’s helped me develop a LOT of client referrals. And even though some so-called “gurus” say you shouldn’t depend on client referrals to build new business, I know they work. Maybe better than anything else.
So, if you wanna build new business, you won’t go wrong with old-school.
I remember a conversation I had with a client who told me he was referred to me by another client of mine. And the newer client told me he took the referral seriously. Because he saw so much change in the other guy and his business.
And I have enough good ego to love a good compliment. Don’t you? After all, you never get tired of hearing how your work is appreciated. Right? And a client referral? Well, there’s no better compliment.
At least not when it comes to measurable results. And I’m talking about the most important measurable results. Like more business, more money, and more resources for your family.
What made all that wonderful referral stuff happen?
Well, one major factor is both of these clients are so coachable. And they’re willing to do the work. Which makes me and my RondaReady System look amazing. (Hey, like Babe Ruth said, “It ain’t braggin’ if it’s true.”)
And we were able to build new business much faster.
Because the RondaReady System keeps pace with you. If you run, the system will too.
That’s why I’m confident I can help you grow your business in a way where you can make more money, save more time, and have more freedom.
But, don’t dive right in unless you’re ready to run like my coachable clients do. Because, even though it’s basically a plug-and-play System, it still takes work. If you’re not ready for that, then you’re probably not ready for the investment. In that case, subscribe to my emails at the link below. Get to know me. And you’ll see how I truly DO wanna help you Get Ready, Be Ready, and…
Stay Ready,