What does business down time do to you? Pretty much nothing good. Right? Some time ago I shared this story about a friend’s experience with a whirlpool. And how it relates to your business.
Because business down time can be a real downer.
“My friend told me how he went inner tubing down a river in Texas with a group of friends. Everything was fine until he approached one of the rapids with about an eight foot drop.
Since he didn’t plan enough in advance how to navigate the approach correctly, he plunged right into the swirling whirlpool and was flipped over backwards and pulled under immediately. You can imagine how scary that must have felt. Unable to see what was what. And that tugging feeling of water pushing you down.
Fortunately, he’s a good swimmer, and he quickly found the calmer water underneath and swam out and up to safety. But not before scraping his feet on hidden rocks in the water. A little parting shot from the river I guess.”
And here’s some more I said about it…
Yeah, when the ‘urgencies’ of the day get you down, it’s time for some evaluation. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s other people’s fault or your own lack of planning.
Either way, it can feel like drowning.
That’s why it’s so important to control your day with a schedule. Schedule control keeps you in, well, control. Or it can at least help you find calmer waters.
My RondaReady System has helped lots of other entrepreneurs, like you, get to those calmer waters.
And I’ve seen my System help them go from five figures businesses to six figures. And from six figures businesses to seven. But I get it. Not everybody wants to make more money. But just in case you’re one of those who wouldn’t mind setting up a System to help you make more (maybe even way more) money, get the RondaReady System.
I’ll warn you, though. If you don’t put it in place and work it, you’ll probably think it’s too much money. But if you’re a go-getter, my System will help you go-get it much faster. Click or tap that link, below, to find out a lot more about it.
Stay Ready,