“I have just rebranded my business and am so thankful once again that I have the comprehensive documentation Ronda put together for my business to keep me sorted and my workday flowing. Ronda is worth her weight in gold. Highly recommend!” That’s from a client of mine, Lisa Pence, from Plume Graphic Design Studio in Seattle, Washington.
Comprehensive documentation means less work for you.
Notice how, in that recommendation from Lisa, she said it keeps her “sorted” and it keeps her “workday flowing.” Because that’s what a system is all about.
Whether you’re just starting out, or you want or need to rebrand, like Lisa did, a system saves you time. And when you save time, you save (or make more) money. Pure and simple.
Setting up a system doesn’t sound sexy. I get it. And when I talk about how you gotta do the work, that doesn’t sound nearly as cool as “Do this today and start making money tomorrow.” But guess what? Millionaires and billionaires almost never become that way “tomorrow.”
No. Money and success, except for inherited booty (aka Daddy’s or Mommy’s money) have to be earned. And with hard work. But when you’re working you’re own business, the hard work doesn’t drag you down like working for somebody else’s dream.
And working your own dream goes so much better and faster with a system. That’s why I designed, refined, and implemented RondaReady system. And all of my clients who’ve plugged their businesses into it, and who have done the work, have seen results like Lisa.
But, like I said, it’s less work.
And that’s because I’ve set up a huge part of this already. So you can plug your business into it and start automating, delegating, and accentuating your positives.
If that sounds like something you wanna do sooner rather than later, then get my System today. And Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your business.
I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,