Have you had any cool ideas lately? Summer’s almost here. So, you might be thinking of hittin’ the beach. Or the pool. Or maybe even a cool, refreshing trip to the mountains.
But I’m talking about cool ideas of another kind.
Like the ones about who you are, what you’re good at, and where you wanna go in life.
Maybe you could take a lesson from a guy made some cool changes for a lot of people. And those changes made a lot of people a lot of money. And you might see his last name outside your house right now. It’s not everywhere. But it’s definitely a household name.
I read an article that called him the “King of Cool.” And, no, it’s not Elvis. Or Steve McQueen. Or even Kanye. It’s a guy named Willis. No, not the one on “Different Strokes.” The Willis, in this story, graduated from Cornell University, in 1901, with a Masters Degree in Engineering. And only one year later his cool idea started making business owners very happy.
Willis received several patents in 1906. And, in 1911, he shared his “Basic Rational Psychrometric Formulae” to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Over a hundred years later, that’s still the basic formula for all the “fundamental calculations” in the air conditioning industry.
Yeah, Willis Carrier, is the main guy you can thank when you’re staying inside, out of the blistering heat and humidity this summer. And countless business owners and industries have shared that gratitude all these years, too. Because many of them wouldn’t be able to do what they do (and enjoy extra profits) without A/C.
And all because Willis had some cool ideas about how to control temperature and humidity. He said he came up with the A/C formula while waiting for a train late one foggy night.
So, that’s what I call some awesome brain fog.
I don’t think I can run my air conditioner without remembering this anymore.
The article I read, about Willis Carrier’s life, said he and six other engineers formed the Carrier Engineering Corporation in 1915 with just $35k. And by 1995, sales were over $5 billion. Now, that’s mighty cool!
There’s so much more interesting facts about how Mr. Carrier’s cooling machines changed so much about every day life. I recommend you read his story when you get a chance.And here’s something to ask yourself as you read about people like Willis. What do all successful people, places, and things have in common? They all started with an idea. Yeah, every idea was once just a thought in somebody’s mind. I like to say thoughts become things. And I remember a quote I shared, from Ralph Waldo Trine, who said, “Thoughts are forces.”
Yeah, you’ve got a lot of power floating around in your brain. And it’s just waiting to be unleashed and set free. But a word of caution. Don’t set it free just to run wild and then run away.
Focus first.
And that’s why the very first lessons in RondaReady YOUniversity are designed to help you discover your Vision. So you can focus your energy in the direction you’d actually like to go. And know how to get there.
How about we talk about it some more? Book a free call with me, with that handy calendar below. And give me a chance to see where you wanna go in life. I’d love to help YOU if I can. Let’s talk soon.
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