A friend of mine is a big Steely Dan fan. If you’re not familiar with Steely Dan, I’m told they were a popular band from the 70’s and 80’s. Of course, I’m way too young to remember. But apparently they did sort of a jazz rock fusion style of music. And my friend, who played music for a living for years, used to play some of their songs. He mentioned one called “Do It Again.”
And when I checked out the lyrics to Do It Again, it made me wonder.
First off, I gotta admit, I didn’t understand the first verse. But the second and third seem to be little short stories about someone who keeps doing knucklehead stuff. And the results appear to be a repetitive circle that don’t improve. They words say…
You go back, Jack, do it again.
Wheel turnin’ round and round.
You go back, Jack, do it again.
Sounds bleak. But I enjoyed the song in spite of that. Catchy beat and good instrumentation.
I didn’t share that because I felt like reviewing a band from way back. Actually, it got me thinkin’ about how so many business owners and entrepreneurs are like that. They keep goin’ back to the same wheel that’s turnin’ round and round. And they don’t get off that merry-go-round goin’ nowhere.
But, in their defense, it’s almost always because they followed the same path so many recommend. Get a business degree. And get out there and follow your passion.
It’s not horrible advice. But it’s not necessarily good either.
Because, these days, a college degree doesn’t carry the weight it once did. And you can literally educate yourself into a high-paying job. Or, better yet, into a sustainable, scalable business. But you gotta take the time to invest in yourself.
And that’s why I developed my RondaReady business-building System. Because I want to help go-getters and “risk takers” have the best possible chance at success. And absolutely nothing compares to a system to help you avoid so many of the pitfalls most business owner wannabes experience.
But, I gotta tell you, the RondaReady System isn’t for tire kickers. While it’s way cheaper than a 4 year college degree, it’s still a significant investment in yourself.
So, if you’re not ready to make that investment, subscribe to my emails instead. The link is below. Get to know me. And find out how much I wanna help you Get Ready, Be Ready, and…
Stay Ready,