I read an article that said, “89% of students from the first generation in low-earning families tend to drop out of college.” And the article shared how finances are one of the biggest reasons for students quitting college.
More drop out stats include:
- Students can’t find or create a healthy school-work-life balance
- The so-called “social life” feels “like high school all over again”
- A general lack of family support
- And many can’t meet the academic qualifications
But that’s not necessarily bad news.
Because a lot of things we take for granted, these days, came from the minds of people who dropped out of college. In fact, when you add up some achievements of the top 30 college dropouts, it’s pretty impressive what they’ve accomplished.
- Almost 2 million employees among them
- Over $600 billion net worth
- And more than $40 billion donated to charity
Each college dropout on that list has hired lots of employees with college educations. Sounds almost fictional, right?
So. What does this mean?
Well, it means you should drop out of college, of course! Just kidding (sort of).
Because I don’t know what your dreams and talents are. And I don’t know what your financial situation is. And I don’t know how well you’ll be with school-work-life balance. So, I have no idea if a college education is right or wrong for you.
But I DO know it’s not for everybody. And it certainly isn’t a necessary ingredient for your success anymore.
Because the internet is (or at least, can be) the great equalizer.
You literally can educate yourself well enough to go for your dreams in ways a lot of history’s famous college dropouts could only imagine.
You can pursue, and even monetize, your passion. Even if your passion is to sell tumbleweeds. Or talk about hair and makeup. Those aren’t random examples, by the way. They’re real.
There are college drop outs who make big bucks doing those things.
Of course, it’s risky to go all in on your dreams, your ideas, your passion. But nowadays YOU get to hold AND deal the cards. And that’s an advantage basically no one had back in the so-called “good ol’ days.”
Now, you don’t even need a brick and mortar store. And you can pitch and sell your goods and services to a potential audience of millions. Not just foot and car traffic. Sure, there are no guarantees. But guess what?
There never were. And there never will be. So, here’s my recommendation.
Get a clear picture of where you wanna go. Then, come up with some strategies to help you take action steps to build steady income. And then, build Your System to be the hands-free CEO of your own business.
Maybe you could use some help to figure out those things and get going faster. Yes?
Well, I’ve got you covered. It’s RondaReady YOUniversity.
And if you’re not sure if you wanna own a business, get a job, or go to college, RondaReady YOUniversity is a great place to figure it out. Book a free call with me so we can talk about how it could help you get where you wanna go. Reserve a time in the calendar, below.
Stay Ready,