Today I’m gonna share some factoids for fun. I love that word. Factoids. It even sounds fun. Right? But since this is the first Wednesday (as I share this) of 2022, I’ll ease up on you a little and keep things lighter.
Speaking of Wednesday, check out these factoids for fun about this day…
- Today is the 16th day of Winter, but…
- There are only 74 days left till spring.
- This is the 5th day of the year.
- There are 360 days left in 2022.
- If today is your birthday, your birthstone is Garnet
- It’s the 1st Wednesday of 2022 (as I already mentioned), BUT…
- Today is actually in the 2nd week of 2022 (Do you know why?)
And for a little more mind-numbing fun, did you know this? Today is also National Bird Day and National Screenwriters Day. So, two feathers in this cap (figure that one out). Plus, January 5th is the last day of Twelvetide. Can you say, “So long and farewell Christmas.” (by the way, there are only 239 days till the so-called “buying season” aka 4th quarter begins)
Here’s the joke of the day for January 5th. Why was the baby strawberry crying? Because its parents were in a jam. (Can I get a rimshot, please?)
Back in 2004, on January 5th, Ray Davies of The Kinks was shot in the leg. But get this. It was because he chased down two men who grabbed his girlfriend’s purse. And he sang about it, in 2018. It’s the subject of his song, “The Big Guy.”
Sharing these factoids IS fun.
But, if you’ve followed me for a while, you probably know I’ve got an ulterior motive. And that’s OK. It’s not sinister or anything like that. I just look for ways to entertain and educate. And in this case, I’ve shared a bunch of factoids for fun because they all came from calendars you can find online.
So, you might be thinking, “Uh, who cares, Ronda?”
Well, I believe you should care. Because life is based on calendars. So is business. No way around it. And it’s so important, I have a whole section, in my RondaReady System, on how to make the best use of a calendar for business.
And here’s one more factoid for fun. Business owners and entrepreneurs who set up and persistently use business calendars are far more likely to succeed. The evidence is everywhere.
But just having a cool calendar app isn’t the answer. Because success comes from knowing how to make the absolute best use of it. If only there was someone who could help you with that.
Oh yeah. That’s me!
And calendar help is just a fraction of all the help you’ll get in my System. Choose from a monthly plan. Or go all in on the annual plan. Your links are below.
Stay Ready,