Family time trumps business time
Bill (not his real name) is an ambitious client of mine. So ambitious that he set a goal of making $5 million in profits from his business within 10 years. That’s a lofty goal. Nothing wrong with that. But it blew up in Bill’s face. Not because it wasn’t do-able. No, the problem was much worse than a matter of skills and ambition. His goal started taking all his time. And that meant there wasn’t any left for family time. And I wish I could say it just strained or tested it family. But it actually destroyed it.
Your business shouldn’t destroy your family time.
Sometimes business owners get lucky enough to have a husband or wife helping them in the same direction. And they’re ready, willing, and able to work at the same pace toward the same goals. When that happens, being in business together can work out beautifully. Their strengths and weaknesses compliment each other. And they build the life of their dreams.
While that scenario is the ideal goal, and it’s definitely possible, very few people get there.
Unfortunately, too many families don’t work well together. And business goals overshadow family life. But I believe a lot of it could be solved if and when a system and strategy is set up from the beginning. A system that frees up the business owner from the day-to-day tasks. And a strategy that removes the owner from all those things that can be done by employees working in the system. Then, the owner can be free to work on ideas and relationships. Instead of buying copier paper and filling the coffee machine.
Don’t be like Bill.
He just didn’t want to make the time to set up his systems ahead of time. So he just kept working IN his business. Harder and harder. Making more and more money. And he became a total failure at family time. The girl of his dreams was replaced by his financial dreams. Kids were replaced by phone calls and business meetings. He married his business and divorced his family.
But I refuse to believe those kinds of results are inevitable when you start a business. In fact, I’ve seen quite the opposite when clients dive into my RondaReady online business coach CRM system. And I’ve witnessed (and been part of) business owners enjoying so much more time, money, and freedom. That’s why I say my system is Proven. It can help you build a business better and faster. And one that can last for the long-haul. It truly can help you…
Stay Ready,
When you’re really, really ready to get ready, get RondaReady
Want a free building plan? If you’re not ready to commit to hiring an online business coach, or if you’re a confident do-it-yourselfer, grab my free book. Click or tap the picture of the book over in the sidebar or get the Amazon Kindle version HERE. There’s also a paperback version available on Amazon HERE. Everything I teach my one-on-one clients is in the book. Start building your business better, today. I’m pullin’ for you..