Start with a sour-sweet, creamy layer of honey, and add some fruits and nuts. And what do you get? Yes, sweet and savory cakes that are among the most well-known desserts. Well, at least it’s well-known around this time of year. Figgy pudding. Just go shopping today (black Friday 2022) and you might hear it.
“Oh bring out the figgy pudding. Oh bring out the figgy pudding.”
From what I’ve heard (because I haven’t tried figgy pudding), it’s not all that delightful. Big surprise since it’s a dessert from England, a country world-renowned for its fine desserts. (eye roll)
“They” say, in more recent times, rum or some other other distilled alcohol is often added to pump up the fruitiness of the flavor. Ok, now we’re talkin’.
You might be asking what any of this pudding talk has to do with my normal business talk. Well, nothing exactly. But generally, it reminds me of the power of referrals. Yeah, when it comes to getting (and keeping) more clients and customers, there’s almost nothing better than referrals. And the proof is in the pudding (see what I did there?).
Like when a client told me he referred me to another business owner. Of course, that other business owner asked why my client referred me and not another coach. And his answer was because he had seen what my system did for his friend, yet another client of mine. Wow, that’s a referral within a referral within a referral.
And that all happened by using my System.
I’ve seen business owners apply my proven RondaReady System and get 300% increases in business revenue. Even better than that, they’ve also gotten exponentially more organized. And that helps them be super efficient and productive. Because it saves them so much time.
And that’s time to enjoy other parts of your life.
So, I gotta ask. Is there a good enough reason to put off your dreams and vision for another year?
Because the sooner you start working a proven system, the sooner you get what you want. And waiting just means your goals have to wait, too. Remember, it’s easy to let your valuable time slip away. But you never get it back.
I can think of three possible reasons not to start using my proven system…
- You make all the money you want, so you can spend most of your time doing exactly what you want.
- Working for someone else excites and delights you.
- You’re about to sell your business and retire to Fiji or some other exotic destination.
But just in case none of those reasons describes you, I’m here. And I’d love to help you get to reasons number 1 or number 3. Book a free call and let’s talk about it. No figgy pudding required.
Stay Ready,