You’ve probably already heard this. And maybe you hear it every year around this time. Because it’s sort of like an end of the year mantra. Experts and motivational speakers tell you to “Finish Strong.” And there’s really nothing wrong with that I suppose. But I have another take on it. And I think it’s a much healthier way to look at it. And…I think even Einstein would agree with me.
Finish strong if want.
But only if that’s what you want.
I read an article that said Einstein took a year off from high school. And during that time he was able to contemplate the world without the pressure of exams or other similar responsibilities. And the article also said he definitely went back to high school because of his obsession with science. But he went back with a better understanding of the world.
Einstein learned to sail when he was a teenager. Apparently he wasn’t all that good at it. But he attributed much of his productivity and ideas to his relaxing time at sea. In fact, he wrote a letter to friends while he was on board a cruise ship in 1932. From somewhere near Panama he wrote, “A cruise in the sea, is an excellent opportunity for maximum calm and reflection on ideas from a different perspective.”
Even his wife saw a difference in him when they sailed. On that same letter Einstein wrote, she wrote on the back side, “There is no other place where my husband is so relaxed, sweet, serene and detached from routine distractions, the ship carries him far away.”
In case you didn’t know this, Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921. And in the following year, he toured Spain, Palestine, Japan, and even China. During that tour he wrote, “How conducive to thinking and working the long sea voyage is—a paradisiacal state without correspondence, visits, meetings, and other inventions of the devil!”
Imagine that. Or maybe you don’t have to imagine. Maybe all your emails, meetings, and other business related duties feel like “inventions of the devil” right about now. And maybe you’d like to cruise through the end of the year. If so, here’s my advice…
It’s your business. Cruise if you want.
Because you’ve worked hard all year. And you’ve earned the right to finish smooth. And who knows? Maybe your thinking and working will start the new year off stronger than ever because you relaxed.
Of course, if your business didn’t go all that well this year, it might seem possible to cruise. And if that’s the case, I recommend my RondaReady system. I designed it so you can plug your business in and Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your business.
If that’s how you’d like to start out in 2021, let me help you…
Stay Ready,