I guess you could say it was in his blood. Because his father taught art classes, was the curator of a local museum, and even earned a living painting birds and game animals. So, naturally, the son would attend the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona where his father taught. But the young boy had more than a passing interest. In fact, he was very good at painting.
But he didn’t just want to be good at painting.
So, the young boy would visit art exhibits to study paintings of Rembrandt, Johannes Vermeer, El Greco, Francisco Goya, and Diego Veláquez. And I just gave you hint as to who I’m talking about when I mentioned some of those names.
He was a famous artist, in the 20th century, who lived much of his life in France. But he was originally from Spain. Can you guess who it is? I’ll give you some more hints.
People say this influential artist had amazing artistic courage and self-confidence. He didn’t particularly care what others thought. And he stuck to his vision. No matter what. He created tons of painting, sculptures, and etchings. And there are some who would call him a genius. Or a legend.
Know who it is?
OK, enough with the suspense. I’m talkin’ about Picasso. A guy so famous you don’t even have to say his first name (Pablo). And he was an artist who apparently pursued his artistic vision to the very end of his life.
Do you pursue your art that way?
And your art doesn’t have to be paint and canvas. But you can use your skills and talents to create something magical. Something rewarding. Not just for you. But also for your family and friends. And even people who work for you.
Maybe your art will never hang in a museum. And maybe your songs will never be played on the radio or internet. Maybe you’ll never be a famous painter or photographer or musician. But you don’t have to be any of those to create a masterpiece.
Truth is, the vast majority of people who’ve ever lived weren’t famous artists. Most people are just like you and me. Working on dreams and ideas and ways to take care of the ones we love. Right?
But your “Art” can provide income and opportunities.
And that’s a whole ‘nother kind of masterpiece.
So what if people a hundred years from now don’t make movies or write songs about you. What does any of that matter as long as you took care of your family as you pursued your goals? Enthusiastically and passionately.
Your art builds and develops even more important things than pictures and music. You build relationships. The fundamental reason for any of us to be here.
And that’s why I’m pulling for you. I’m your cheerleader. Visionaries, like you, are why I created my RondaReady System. To help you build your dream better and faster. And there’s a whole section to help you with your vision.
Wanna know more about it? Get my free emails and let’s stay in touch. You can ask me questions. And I’ll personally answer them. Your link is below.
Stay Ready,