I ran across an interesting news clip about a 1970’s rock band called the Guess Who. In 1970, right at this time of year (it’s May 2024 as I write this) they had a three-week run at No.1 on the US singles chart. The song was “American Woman.”
But guess who wrote that song.
No, you don’t have to guess. I’ll tell you what happened, just in case you don’t already know. In a way, nobody sat down and wrote American Woman. It actually happened by accident more than anything. According to the news clip, their lead guitarist, “Randy Bachman was playing a heavy riff on stage after he had broken a string.”
But the other members of the band liked the riff and joined in on the jam.
Unbeknownst (I’ve always wanted to use that word) to them, a fan in the audience had recorded the whole thing on tape. And he presented it to the group after the show. And they listened to how much the crowd enjoyed it, too. So, they developed it into a full song. And the rest is history, as they say.
That shows how, every once in a while, even an accident can turn out to be something great.
But I don’t recommend you depend on or wait for that kind of accident when it comes to business.
Because, the likelihood that you’ll have the same kind of luck the Guess Who had is, well, unlikely. So, I always recommend you make a plan, write it down, and follow the steps.
And a business hub can help you do that better and faster.
When you’re ready to build your business on purpose, my RondaReady business hub can probably help. I don’t guarantee it will. Because accidents (and distractions) DO happen. But with the proper focus and commitment, you CAN see much better results.
Here’s your link to let me know if you’re interested:
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Responsive Organized Nonstop Digital Action