You might have a lot of this going on where you live too. But the city where I live has road construction going on almost everywhere. And of course, it causes some inconveniences once in a while. Like today, when I had to wait for some road crews to load up a trailer they use to haul equipment. And I mean the big stuff. I think the one I saw today is called a backhoe. But that’s beside the point. What I noticed was how many details they had to pay attention to so the backhoe would stay on the trailer.
It takes a lot of chains and cables and positioning to haul equipment.
And I’m glad those guys took all that extra time to do it right. Even though it made me a little bit late for an appointment. But can you imagine what might happen if they didn’t get the backhoe secured properly? I get a visual of it bouncing off when they hit a bump on the highway. And that huge hunk of metal falling on vehicles traveling behind the trailer. Yikes! Hate to even think about it.
So, they went around the trailer and hooked up those chains. And cinched them down. Plus, they made sure the cables were attached to show brake lights and turn signals. One guy got inside the backhoe to be sure it was in gear. At least I guess that’s what he did. And another guy made sure the trailer was securely attached to the trailer hitch on the truck that pulled it.
You might be thinking, “Ronda, what does this have to do with me or my business?”
Well, I know you probably don’t have to tie down huge equipment on trailers. And you don’t have to worry about whether your day-to-day decisions could have life or death consequences.
You consider the life or death of your business. Or to put it a little less harsh sounding…the success or failure of your business.
Many, if not most, businesses fail because the owners don’t have a system they can depend on. A system set up with automation and delegation. And a system that’s repeatable no matter who’s in charge.
But those business owners think they don’t have time to set up that kind of system. Or they can’t afford for someone else to help them set it up. Truth is, they can’t afford not to. Because a systemized business tends to succeed. And others tend to fail.
My RondaReady system is like the reinforced trailer for all your heavy equipment.
But it’s not for business owners who are afraid to learn how to adjust the “cables” and “chains.” Because, even though I’ve done all the heavy lifting for you, it still won’t work if you don’t plug your business into it. And that takes a mindset shift. From flying by the seat of your pants to streamlined private jet pilot.
So, when you’re ready to be the jet pilot of your business, book a free 30 minute call with me. And together we’ll see if my system is right for you. Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,