How do you see yourself? And I don’t just mean your physical appearance. Of course, that’s important. But it’s certainly not the total YOU. Not by a long shot. Right?
I read an article about 13 habits of the “mentally tough.” And the writer shared what it takes to overcome the challenges and obstacles in your life. And everyone has ’em. Regardless of whether you’re a business owner, baker, or candlestick maker (Do those even still exist?). You have to find it within you to push through.
So, again, how do you see yourself?
Do you wanna curl up in a corner when a relationship needs nurturing? Would you rather pad your comfort zone with more pillows than get out of it? And do you cringe at the thought of building or scaling a business? If you answered yes to any or all of those questions, it sounds like you need a YOU makeover.
Because if the distractions of life are more important than your vision for your life, then I propose that somewhere inside you see yourself as a loser. Or at the very least, not a winner.
You’ve probably read quotes or articles about Thomas Edison’s tenacity when it came to his work on the electric light bulb. Apparently he once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
That’s mental toughness. And it’s an indicator that Mr. Edison didn’t see himself as “not a winner.”
OK, I’m not gonna share all 13 of those habits of mentally tough people. But I WILL share three. So, see if any or all three describe you. Do you…
- Love a good challenge
- Commit to your goals
- Focus on what you can control
If you come up against a challenge and find yourself always reaching for the chocolate ice cream, then self-employment, entrepreneurship, and owning a business probably aren’t for you. Because mentally tough people see challenges as muscle builders. Physical AND mental muscles.
Also, if you can’t commit to your goals, then maybe they’re not important or real enough to you. Because important and real goals put the spring in your step, the smile on your face, and the spunk in your attitude. And when they’re real and important enough to you, distractions won’t derail you.<
And finally, what can YOU do about what’s going on?
Because that’s ultimately the only part of your actions steps you can control. The ones YOU do. And that focus starts with your Vision.
So, that’s why the very first lessons in RondaReady YOUniversity are designed to help you discover your Vision. And they can help you focus your energy in the direction you’d actually like to go. With strategies to help you know how to get there. That way you can confidently answer the how do you see yourself question.
How about we talk about it some more? Book a free call with me, with that handy calendar below. And give me a chance to see where you wanna go in life. I’d love to help YOU if I can. Let’s talk soon.
Stay Ready,
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