Imagine yourself deep in thought. And your thoughts seem to transport you out of your body and into the air. Then, in the blink of an eye, you realize you’re sitting in a wifi café, in the middle of a conversation with a gray-haired stranger. And the gray-haired stranger asks…
“Did you think you would get here in the blink of an eye?”
And you have no idea what the stranger is talking about. Because you’re unsure of the whole scene. Questions pop into your brain like champagne bubbles. Who IS this stranger? Where IS this place? And how DID I get here? And was it really in the blink of an eye?
Well, maybe it WAS a blink. Because one second you’re just peacefully pondering your life. And the next you’re confronted by someone you don’t recognize. In a place you’ve never seen before.
But, as your dazed and confused mind tries to sort things out, the stranger says, “Bet you never thought you’d be here did you? And I bet you’re probably wondering where here is and how you got here. Am I right?”
Before you can even form your lips to speak the first word of your reply, the stranger says, “Of course you’re wondering where you are and how you got here. Everybody wonders that when they first get here. And I suppose it’s only natural. Because you never pictured yourself in a place like this.”
And, with that last sentence, the stranger’s hand motions around the dark gray walls. That’s when you notice. There’s no art on the walls. And no music in the background. In fact, except for the stranger and the black table between you, there’s nothing else in the room.
So, you turn back to the stranger to ask what’s going on. But once again, before you can form the words, you hear these words, “You should go back while you still can.”
Then, your words come gushing out without you even having to think them,
“Go back while I still can?!
What does that mean? Go back where? I was sitting at home, thinking, and not bothering anybody. Then, suddenly I was here, listening to you ask me senseless questions. In a room that doesn’t make any sense! And why did you say while I still can?”
The stranger nods, ever so slightly, and then you notice the eyes. There’s something about the eyes. Something terrifyingly familiar about the eyes.
And then it dawns on you.
You realize you’re staring directly into your own eyes, into your own future.
And the future is noticeably bleak.
Then, the stranger (who starts to look more and more like an old version of YOU) says, “You should know. You don’t actually have to be here. In fact, you could leave this place just as fast as you got here. Yeah, you could be gone in the blink of an eye.”
And you answer, “Really? How?”
And you (uh, I mean the stranger…no, it IS you) answer back:
“Close your eyes, find your Vision, and GO!”
Then, before you even have a chance to say anything else, you suddenly open your eyes. And you’re right back in your comfy chair. But with one nagging question in your head.
“How do I find my Vision and GO?”
That’s where I come in. My RondaReady Business Book is designed to help you first discover your Vision. And then to help you set up and RUN your own empire based on what YOU have to offer.
It’s available on Amazon.
The $115 price ($100 for the Kindle version) is a small price to pay to help you avoid the bleak, future you.
And, it shouldn’t cost YOU anything at all. At least, not if you believe in yourself enough to implement the business-building strategies my high-paying, one-on-one clients have used to ramp up to six and seven figure incomes. And certainly not if you wanna make sure your future lives up to your Vision.
So, use this link to get yourself a copy on Amazon, in the blink of an eye, and
Stay Ready,
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