You’ve got a lot of power floating around in your brain. No, really. And, when you wield your power wisely, you could rule your own universe. Not THE universe. But yours. And that’s no small thing.
But you’ve gotta focus that power in your brain.
Notice this quote from Ben Franklin that says, “…a small leak will sink a great ship.” And whether you’re just starting out in the real world, or you’re a seasoned business owner, distractions can be those small leaks.
Imagine Beethoven, sitting at his piano. And he’s composing his 5th Symphony, when suddenly he remembers, “Oh no! I’ve gotta go mail those thank you letters to my orchestra for their last performance.” Yikes! Talk about decrescendo. (that’s sort of a musical term for buzzkill)
No, Ludwig was not known for tolerating such interruptions of his musical genius with those day-to-day chores. He delegated them to others who couldn’t do (or would never do) what he could. Which was compose beautiful music.
Well, that kind of focus isn’t just for musical geniuses.
It’s crucial for just about anyone. Home builders. Repair services. Computer software engineers. No matter what skills and talents you have, you owe it to yourself (and your audience, or customers, or clients) to focus on what only YOU can do.
And the best time to master your focus is before you go out into the real world.
The second best time is right now. As soon as humanly possible.
And the good news is, RondaReady YOUniversity can help you be the best YOU possible. When you can focus on what only you can do, you can build credibility, authority, and probably quite a profitable business. I’ve already developed the System. All you need to do is plug in and get started.
You don’t just learn how to get a job, like they teach you in college. And you won’t have student loans to pay for over the next 10 to 20 years. Far from it. In fact, when you implement the YOUniversity training, your sales and profits will pay for it. Easily.
When you’re Ready to at least find out how you can invest in your future AND discover how to turn your dreams into a successful business, you should call. Don’t let what’s in your brain just fade away. Start now.
I’d love to tell you more and find out where you’d like to take your dreams, ideas, and business. Pick a time, below, to book a call with me. Let’s talk soon.
Stay Ready,