The sharp-dressed, young professional looking guy walked right up to the receptionist desk. And the lady behind the desk asked if he was there to “apply for the position.” But this guy wasn’t on a job search. He had an appointment with the business owner. To talk about, uh, business.
So, he grabbed some materials out of his leather briefcase and said, “I have an appointment with Jacob ____, the owner. Would you let him know I’m here with the documents he asked me to bring?”
That’s a great story. Right? And here’s the reason that young guy was there.
His job search days stopped at the door of his own office.
I love it when a young person knows what he or she wants. And when he or she isn’t gonna let anything stand in the way. Because it means there’ll be more focused entrepreneurs and business owners out there. And I think you can see how now, more than ever, owning a business is a great idea.
I’ve talked a lot about how job security doesn’t exist anymore for most workers. Whole industries change direction and even close. And especially with all the lockdowns, shutdowns, and mandates.
But maybe you still think a job beats the hassles of owning a business. No problem. I get it.
It’s a big deal to run a business. A lot of moving parts to manage. At least, it’s not if you wanna have a successful business. Because it’s not just about your dream or your big idea. You gotta put everything in place to give your dreams and ideas the best chance to succeed, too.
But there’s almost always a disconnect.
You can find it in between the dreams of owning a business and actually having a successful business. And that’s almost always because the owner (or owners) didn’t have a system. A way to keep track of everything, measure performance, or even follow up or follow through.
I know because I’ve seen it over and over. For years!
Probably because 97% of all business owners were never taught how to System Think. I’ll bet you never heard of it in school. I know I never did. But, for entrepreneurs, business owners, and even wannabes, it’s the best thing since sliced sourdough and grass fed butter.
Especially if you’d rather not go on a job search ever again.
That’s why I created a course for younger people just starting out in the real world. And it’s focused on System Thinking.
If only there had been something like this when I went to college. Because, I could have saved myself so much time. And so many headaches, setbacks, and sleepless nights.
But, as someone once said (actually many have said many times)…
A missing piece in the market is an opportunity.
And I saw an opportunity to help students get real skills to help them take their ideas into the real world and pursue their dreams. So, my RondaReady YOUniversity is based on a proven System with over 20 years of success stories behind it.
I don’t have time, right now to tell you more. So, click or tap the button, below, right now. Book a call with me. Let’s talk about how you could end your own job search before it even starts.
Stay Ready,