I heard a song on the radio in my car on the way to a client meeting this morning. It’s called “Keeping Score”. And I don’t remember who sang it. But it was about relationships. And the lyrics seemed to say scorekeeping in relationships isn’t the best strategy. There’s probably some truth to that. Because way too many marriages end up in divorce when one or both parties keep a mental ledger of What-have-you-done-for-me-lately stuff. And for what it’s worth, I recommend not using that approach with someone you love.
But when it comes to business, keeping score is a whole ‘nother story.
Business is a little bit like a sport or a game. Because you should be “playing” (or working) to win. Right? But how can you be sure you’re winning if you don’t keep score?
Even if you don’t care what your competitors are doing, you still wanna be able to improve yourself. But how can you even know if, when, and how you’re improving if you don’t measure your own performance?
Like I say to all my new clients…if you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?
And if you don’t know where you’ve been, it’s hard to know where you’re going.
And, in business, knowing where you’ve been means keeping track (score) of who your customers and clients are. You’ll also need to know when they buy (or bought) from you. It’s pretty darn important to know where they came from. And what made them connect with you. And, of course, it’s crucial to know the revenue numbers.
All that’s just a portion of the what you can track in your business.
It doesn’t have to complicated. But it does need to be comprehensive.
Good news is my RondaReady system has multiple at-a-glance reporting solutions to help you keep score. And there are plenty of other benefits to plugging your business into my proven system. So, my suggestion is to plug in today. Every day you put off getting help like this is another day your competitors can move further ahead of you. And if you can’t do it for them, then do it for YOU.
Yeah, when you’re really ready to be the highly organized CEO of your business, book a free 30 minute call with me. And together we’ll see if my system is right for you. Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,