You might already know this, but Monday is coming.
In fact, at the time I mention this, Monday is coming in only 3 days. And I know a lot of people…even entrepreneurs and business owners…don’t like Mondays. Poor little day. What did it ever do to anybody? Oh yeah, it starts off the work week. And nobody likes that. Right? Wrong!
Go-getters and risk takers are glad Monday is coming.
Because it’s another opportunity to build something awesome. And make some more money. And more money is more fun. Right?
Let’s say you were on a sea cruise (who else besides me is ready for that right about now) and the ship crashed or sank. But you woke up on an island only to find out you were the only survivor. And let’s also say you didn’t know where you were. And you ended up being there for long time. Oh yeah, one more thing. You also didn’t know how long you were unconscious.
Sounds bleak, right?
But let’s say you had plenty of coconuts and fruit. And you even figured out a way to catch fish, cook ’em and eat ’em. So, your job each day would be to get up, gather food, catch fish, and prepare for another day of life. Right? But here’s a question…
Do you think you’d care about what day it was every day? Or don’t you think you’d be more concerned with doing a great job of staying alive each day. And you’d figure out, real quick, how to be the most organized you could be. Because your survival instinct would kick in.
Yeah, one day would be as good or bad as the next. And you probably wouldn’t even keep track of which was which. Oh sure, you might wanna keep track of how many days you were there. But I wouldn’t be surprised if even that became unimportant.
The day isn’t important. It’s what you do with it that counts.
And that’s why I always say, Get Ready, Be Ready, and Stay Ready. And there’s no better way to do that, in my humble (and biased) opinion than my RondaReady business coach business management system. Because it gives you the one thing no other business management anywhere else in the world can give you.
Me. Your Responsive Organized Nonstop Digital Assistant – R.O.N.D.A. (aka little, ol’ me…Ronda)
And the six figure business owners I’ve helped turn into seven figure business owners will tell you that’s no small thing.
So, when you’re really ready to be the highly organized CEO of your business, book a free 30 minute call with me. And together we’ll see if my system is right for you. Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,