Sometime, in 1892, a young French baron, Pierre de Coubertin, wanted to start up the Olympics again. The games actually started way back in B.C. times. But by the 1800’s they had apparently fizzled out. But Coubertin wanted to have a major international competition every four years so different countries could prepare and attend. So when a conference on international sports convened in Paris in June 1894, Pierre brought up the idea again. And he received unanimous approval from 79 delegates from 9 countries. Then, after lots and lots of planning, the first Olympic Games (as we know them now) were scheduled for 1896 in Athens, Greece.
But what do the Olympic Games have to do with you and me?
Well, maybe nothing. I mean, after all, you might be like a guy I know who doesn’t watch any of them. Or maybe you’re like a couple I heard, the other day, who couldn’t seem to talk about anything else. It seemed like they knew all the competitors’ names, what times they’d be competing, and who had the best shot at gold.
But I’m actually not talking about the competition or competitors. I’m focused on the incredible amount of time and energy it takes to organize a schedule for over 200 countries and over 10,000 athletes. Wow, that’s gonna have to be one BIG spreadsheet.
But seriously…
That’s definitely not a job for the organizing faint of heart.
And I’d venture to say the same thing for your business. Because, if and when you decide to do business right, there’s a lot more organizing to do. The old shoot-from-the-hip method will only get you so far in today’s world.
Because things move at the speed of internet.
So, it’s good (translate that into “absolutely necessary”) thing to set up a System you know you can depend on. A System that does a lot of the work for you. Because, especially when you start out, you might have to be president, vice president, marketing coordinator, I.T. officer, maid service, courier pickup, and well, you get it.
And that’s when you’re gonna love the automation tools in a System. But how do you set one up? And how do you make it work for you and your business. And how long is it gonna take you to even understand the fundamentals? Well, I can’t say how long…for certain. But I CAN say it’ll take a lot less time when you plug into my RondaReady System.
And if you’re not ready for that sort of commitment, or if you’d like to know more, I recommend you sign up for my free emails. Then, get to know me and understand how I TRULY wanna help you succeed. When you’re ready to at least make that sort of commitment, signing up is even easier than watching the Olympic Games.
Stay Ready,