I know you’ve heard the expression “they” use now. The two word expression that basically means you take responsibility for something. And you take control. And that expression is “Own it.” But, to me, there’s no better time or place to use that expression than when it comes to owning a business. I mean, literally…own it.
Because owning a business shouldn’t be a 24/7 proposition.
And, by that, I mean, when you truly own it, your business won’t run you ragged every waking (and sleeping) hour. What kind of dream would that be? And that’s how you started, right? With a dream?
But then, maybe you were like Bob (not his real name) who built a great business and made his dream come true. Then, trouble reared its ugly head. Because Bob had built a business that required (you could almost say “demanded”) him to be involved in every part of it.
So, Bob said he never even had “time for a fun game of golf” anymore. His business owned him. And I only changed the name. The story is true. Sadly, too true for way too many dream chasers and risk takers.
And there are a couple of simple (even if they’re not easy) tools you can use to avoid Bob’s burdens. Tools that’ll make sure your business won’t crumble without you involved in every detail.
Of course, if you prefer a giant weight around your neck, or stress-filled days, then you absolutely don’t need these tools. And if you’re not happy unless your days are consumed with busy-ness and worry, then, you certainly don’t need my help. Or anybody else’s.
And I can yell, all day, how that’s a recipe for disaster. But you’ll be too busy to even hear me.
So, in that case, forget about golf or family time or travel.
Just get up every morning, hit the ground running, and don’t stop till you drop back into bed every night.
It sounds awful to me. But hey…I’m not you. Maybe that sounds like an awesome life. If so, more power to you. As for me, I enjoy my occasional trips to exotic beaches. And I love being able to spend time with my kids, especially now that they’re older and I don’t know how many more times we’ll all be together in the same place.
But, like I said, that’s me. I certainly don’t wanna project my preferences over on you. But if some time away from your business, without the worry of it falling apart while you’re gone sounds good, then you should get the RondaReady System. It’s pricey for people who don’t use it. But for those who do, it’s as good as free.
And your link to plug into the system is just below.
Stay Ready,