There are quite a few places, online, where you can take a personality test. And one site, I saw, lets you know if you’re an analyst type or diplomat. Or maybe you’re an advocate, mediator, or protagonist. They even have personalities like campaigner, sentinels, and explorers.
And that website shares attributes for the different types. Like rationality, impartiality, and intellectual excellence. Or empathy, passionate idealism, spontaneity, and ingenuity.
Yeah, sounds like that personality test is complicated.
So, I’ve got a much easier one for you in this video…
Uh-huh, anybody can pass this personality test. Right?
Just figure out your buying style. Are you an over buyer. Or an under buyer.
For example, an over buyer, in the sport of running, might say, “Wow, I can’t wait to get out there and run. But I can’t do it with this old gear. I gotta get those $250 shoes with the special arch supports. And I gotta have that great, new moisture wicking shirt. Oh yeah, the doctor recommended eye protection. So, I better get those special UV glasses I saw online.” And so on. And so on.
But then, there’s the under buyer who says, “Hmm…I think my Vans’ll be just fine. They only have one hole on one side. And I love the feel of my old tank top, so much cooler when I run. And I know my old baseball cap will keep the sun out of my eyes. Yeah, I’m good to go.”
Two totally different personalities.
And they’re both right. For themselves.
But it’s so crucial, for you as a business owner, to understand, who you are. Because both ways can cost you time and money.
For example, I consider myself more of the under buyer type. And I’m a little bit old school. Kinda like the MacGyver style. Give me a stick of gum and a paper clip, and I’ll make it happen.
Like with with a laptop I kept for maybe too long. Because the laptop worked fine. But it was S.L.O.W.
But I “limped along” for awhile and then started thinking about how it might be costing me too much time and money. So, I did some quick calculations, and it turned out that it cost me about a half hour to an hour a day. That’s up to seven hours every week. And that’s losing a whole work day every week. No thank you!
So, I invested in a brand new one.
And wow!
It’s awesome what I can do with that extra half hour to an hour a day.
Of course, I could’ve gone too for the other way on the over buyer side. But how much time (and money) would I lose while I waited till I had everything just right?
Yeah, it might sound cliché to talk about how time equals money. But, in business, it’s just plain true. And that’s why I’ll be talking a lot more about how to create more space in your time over the next few weeks. In fact, next month’s UNversity lesson will be focused on that.
But don’t wait till next month to create more space in your time. Start today. And if you’re not sure where or how to start, book a free call with me. And let’s see if I can help you. I’ve helped lots and lots of other business owners scale up better and faster. You could be next. And it only costs a little time to find out. I promise, there won’t be a personality test. Click or tap that book now button. NOW
Stay Ready,