Want a plug and play business system?
I just read a couple of definitions I’m gonna share with you. The first is this. “A Plug And Play Business Model is a ready made business model which is already set up and selling products or services.” And the second definition is about computers. “Plug and Play (PnP) is a combination of hardware and software support that enables a computer system to recognize and adapt to hardware configuration changes with little or no intervention by a user.”
So, after reading those, I figured I’d better clear something up about the business system I provide for my clients.
I call my RondaReady business coach CRM system a plug and play system, but…
It’s certainly not a system you get and immediately start selling your products and services. And it’s definitely not a system that requires “little or no intervention by a user.”
In fact, your “intervention” will be required, quite a bit…to begin with. Or you’ll need to assign an employee or department to set up and plug in your RondaReady system. And I know, from the oodles of testimonials, that you can sell more products and services and make lots more money with my system. After you’ve got it all set up.
But it does require commitment.
And anything worth having and going requires commitment. Right?
So, the reason I’ve called the RondaReady system a plug and play system is because I’ve already built it. To help you build a scalable, sustainable using time-tested tools and automated, repeatable processes. And I’m with you every step of the way. So you CAN plug into the system and create the amazing business life you deserve.
My one-on-one clients have seen massive increases and improvements in their businesses. Now, you can too, and you won’t be paying anywhere near what those one-on-one clients have gladly paid. Plus, you’ll start right off with my comprehensive CRM solution. Something even my one-on-one clients didn’t have until recently. And it all comes with my personal video training to show you how to build your business with it.
So, when you’re ready to become the CEO of your business instead of just another hired hand, then maybe you’re really, really ready to get RondaReady and…
Stay Ready,