If you live in Florida right now, you might understand this better than the rest of us. And if you don’t, imagine living somewhere nice one day and the next day it’s underwater. The disaster of Hurricane Ian provides tons and tons of opportunities. Not the least of which would be a positive customer experience that cleanup and construction crews could offer.
And don’t be fooled. Providing positive customers experiences is a choice.
There’s an old marketing saying that goes, “Customers don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
And those people, in Florida, who are suffering through devastation and loss right now, will certainly appreciate it if helpers can show they care. But those cleanup and construction crews will be inundated with work for who knows how long. So, who knows how long they can deliver help with a caring attitude.
But, if they’ll take a “big picture” approach, they’ll find a way to lend a hand with a smile. Because that’s in investment. And it’s possibly a first step toward lifelong customers and relationships.
I’ve talked about how you need a workflow to add customers and clients to your system. And I’ve mentioned the “transactional experience” and the “value-added” experience. Of course, the transactional part is just where money changes hands, so to speak. But it’s the value-added experience that sets you apart.
You wanna beat your competition? Good news is, these days most of your competition fails miserably when it comes to a positive customer experience. So, that means, there’s an easy opportunity staring you in the face.
But maybe you struggle with getting their attention in the first place.
Well, that’s the reason October’s UNversity lesson will be about 3 distinct marketing units. And when you get a handle on what they are and how to use them, you can keep your business pipeline filled.
UNversity is ongoing how-to coaching for $15 a month. Fifty cents a day. Would you be willing to give up a few coffees, or dinners out, in order to take your business and your dreams to a whole ‘nother level? I know it works, because the same System has helped me and my clients go from 5 figure businesses to 6. And from 6 figure businesses to 7.
So, don’t miss the deadline. TONIGHT at midnight. Enroll by then and be in time to learn about the 3 distinct marketing units for getting more clients. Then, be prepared to provide a positive customer experience to more customers. Your pipeline will thank you.
But tardiness won’t be tolerated. Deadline approaches fast. Just a few hours more.
Click or tap that link below and I’ll see you soon.
Stay Ready,