Picture this. A 13,500 square foot mansion estate in Hollywood Hills California. And that humble abode includes five bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a game room, wine cellar, bar, spa, fitness studio, and movie theater. Also, the main floor in on the third floor with its own private balcony. Oh yea, there’s also a garage you can park seven cars in. And all you gotta do to be able to afford it all is be a powerball winner.
Yeah, the $25.5 million price tag is no obstacle for the right powerball winner.
Matter of fact, if you’re a powerball winner of a drawing that’s almost $2 billion, you can toss in an outdoor infinity pool and fireplace enclosed in glass walls. Pretty cool, right?
But why stop there?
According to a report in the New York Post, Edwin Castro took the lump sum option as a $2 billion powerball winner. And so his take home came out to just short of $1 billion. Not bad for a guy who was living in a one bedroom place before he won.
So, not only did Mr. Castro buy that mansion I already described, but he got a second mansion for $4 million. That one’s in his hometown, Altadena, California. Supposedly it has a pool, a movie theater, five bedrooms, and four bathrooms. And it has views of the San Gabriel Mountains.
Wow, that’s a total of 10 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms. I guess mega rich people need to sleep and tend to bathroom needs more than the average Joe and Jane.
I almost forgot. Mr. Castro also bought a “vintage white Porsche for $250,000.” For those keeping score, that’s a quarter of million dollars. For. A. Car!
But not to worry.
Because Mr. Castro apparently hired a round-the-clock security team.
So, as you can clearly see, all you need, in order to join the rich and famous, is to become a powerball winner. And just about any adult can play. So, the riches are ripe for the picking. But there’s a slight catch.
You gotta win. And be the only winner. And the odds of that are worse than getting struck by lightning.
But the alternative ways to get rich (or at least financially well off) pretty much all require work.
And I probably don’t have to tell you this. But that’s not nearly as “sexy.” Because it’s…well…work. Yeah, it’s more difficult. Not instantaneous. It requires focus. Persistence. And, most of all, a commitment to your Vision.
So, that’s why the very first lessons in RondaReady YOUniversity are designed to help you discover your Vision. And they can help you focus your energy in the direction you’d actually like to go. I can’t help you become a powerball winner. But I believe I CAN help you enjoy being an entrepreneur a lot more.
How about we talk it over? Book a free call with me. Find a spot in that handy calendar below. And give me a chance to see where you wanna go in life. I’d love to help YOU if I can. Let’s talk soon.
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