Yeah, I’ll never forget the first time I heard that dreaded interview question. “So, where do you see yourself in 5 years?” And I, the little Miss-Organized-Business-Coach didn’t have a well thought out answer. So, I had to get my brain to prepare to move…fast.
True. I had a good interview. And my qualifications were on the money. And luckily I came up with a good enough answer to get the job. But I vowed right there and then…
I’m gonna prepare to move. BEFORE it’s time to move.
Because it’s not just a job interview question. It’s a good idea to have a good idea where you’re going. At least the right direction, even if you don’t quite have a specific destination in mind.
So, you gotta have a clear vision of who you are and where you want to take your business? But if you don’t, it’s so important to get that established as soon as possible. In my RondaReady System, I talk about how it’s like playing a video of your own dreams. And you get to watch yourself build them and make them come true.
But dreams can blur and fade. Believe me I understand. Because over the course of a couple of decades, I’ve been a business owner AND a single mom to three kids. Talk about blurred vision!
Fortunately I can fall back on my System to help me focus the camera in my head. And that helps me prepare to move in the right direction again. I remember what I really want out of life. And where I want to take my business.
My goal is to help other business owners and entrepreneurs do that, too.
So, my proven system includes a simple, yet powerful, tool to keep you focused. And get you back on track when everyday distractions bump you off course. You wouldn’t believe how effective this is…and yet how many people don’t take the time to set it up. It doesn’t require geeky tech skills, computer nerd brain power, or a lengthy learning curve. And I believe you’ll love the results.
And fair notice…this is not a cheap and quick fix for anybody’s business. It’s a proven System. A System scores of other business owners have used to go from 5 figures businesses to 6 figures. And from 6 figures to 7. So, you should know the RondaReady System is $5000. But I’ve seen so many business owners buy it AND not pay for it. Because their increased sales, productivity, and profits paid for it. Over and over. Your link to the System is below.
Stay Ready,