Yesterday I talked about an apple a day and shared some thoughts about the idea behind it. Today I’m talkin’ about a quarter a day. And I mean an actual 25 cents. One fourth of a dollar. Because it’s a big deal. In fact, it’s a day’s wages. What’s that? You don’t believe me?
Well, Aaron lived on a quarter a day.
And it wasn’t just because he dropped out of school when he was only 14. He also had to work to help support his parents and siblings. His first job, in a factory, paid a whopping 25 cents a day. But, as awesome as that sounds, he made even more in his next job as a brick stacker at a kiln. 30 cents a day.
I know what you’re probably thinking. This must have been a long time ago. OK, you’re definitely right. And a quarter was worth roughly about 3700% more back then. But that would still be about $9.49 in today’s money.
So, imagine a first job at even ten times that much per day. About $90.50 per day. It still wouldn’t be a job you could get rich on. In fact, you’d only see about $1350 a month, after taxes. And I don’t know if you’ve seen the cost of housing lately, but that would maybe cover a two bedroom, one bath apartment. Yikes.
But let’s get back to Aaron.
After a while he found a job as a manager of a dry goods store. And they gave him the responsibility of getting more customers in rural areas. Fortunately, he was pretty good at it.
Coincidentally, subsequent employers kept sending him out into the rural areas, too.
But Aaron made good use of his time out there. He talked with the locals and listened to their biggest complaint. High prices from those companies that sent him out to the sticks.
So, Aaron devised a system to cut out the “middle men” and lower prices for those nice people. But apparently friends and relatives thought he was crazy. So, he bought some “goods” and pursued his vision.
And then, a little something known as The Great Fire of Chicago, happened. Poor Aaron’s investment was burned up. Just like so many others.
Most people would have given up right there and then.
But Aaron put together $1600 (with the help of a couple of partners) and re-established his new mail-order business. And he had a snazzy catalogue printed up and distributed. Especially to those rural areas. His partners left, after a year. But his brother-in-law wanted in, and he had another $500 to invest. So, he became a partner.
That might have been the best move by a brother-in-law, ever.
Because their company eventually became one of the most successful businesses ever. And at the time of his death, Aaron’s company had sales around $40 million. But that was 1913. So, in today’s dollars, he would have been worth over a billion. Not bad for a guy who started at a quarter a day.
Oh, I left out one small detail. His full name was Aaron Montgomery Ward. Yeah. THAT Montgomery Ward. Sadly, the company went out of business in 2001. But they DO have an online only version now.
So, what does any of this have to do with YOU? Maybe nothing. But if you’re about to go out in the workforce, or if you know someone who is, RondaReady YOUniversity could help you pursue your dream. Your vision. I won’t say it’s right for everyone. But, for go-getters who can commit, it could be what marketers call “a game changer.”
Book a free call with me and let’s see if my System can help you focus on your passion. Click or tap the button now.
Stay Ready,