When I lived in California, my former husband and I ran our own real estate business. And part of selling involves staging homes. We had quite a to-do list. And we definitely had to prioritize our schedule. Because when you stage a home, it’s a lot easier to sell when you can make it look like nobody even lives there. And the best way to start is to remove the clutter. Even when it includes personal stuff.
Yep, when you remove the clutter, it’s not just trash.
You gotta take out family photos and “trophies.” And get rid of pet evidence. And deep clean the whole place. Because there’s nothing like a clean house to impress potential buyers.
And there are so many other details most homeowners don’t think about when it comes to getting a house ready to show. That’s why we set up a reliable, repeatable system. Because, as you’ve probably heard many times, and it’s especially true in the world of real estate, time is money. And potentially even WAY more money.
So, we made sure our team placed ample lighting everywhere. And we rearranged furniture to give it a more stylish appeal. Plus, we paid close attention to details. Like neutral paint. And wall treatments, clean grout, and good-working hardware throughout the house.
Then, we made sure to check these off the list:
- pillows on furniture,
- setting the table for dinner,
- making sure the exterior’s painted and the lawn mowed,
- fresh towels in the bathrooms,
- pictures in key places on the walls,
- making sure there are no empty rooms, and
- everything dusted before every showing.
And that’s just a general idea of everything we did.
But the main point is how much work is involved. We wanted to be sure we did what a lot of home sellers neglect or overlook. Because that almost always gave us the competitive advantage.
So, naturally, being the stickler for a system that I am, I had to have one then, too. Because my time is valuable. I’m sure you realize there’s only so much of it in your life. Right?
And it was that kind of attention to details that helped me create my tried and true RondaReady System. Which, by the way, is completely included in the RondaReady System book. And you can get a copy for yourself on a tiny little website nobody ever heard of: Amazon.
It’s a great way to help you remove some of the clutter in your brain, too. Because you won’t have to build your system from scratch. Instead you can follow the proven roadmap clients have paid me lots of money to show them. And you can go at your own pace.
But don’t put it off. Here’s the full link if you need to copy and paste it into your browser:
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