I watched a video called “Funniest Flight Attendant Ever.” And it was pretty hilarious. They managed to put a funny spin on something that frequent fliers tend to ignore because it’s so boring. In fact, you might not even remember what flight attendants said before the plane took off.
The mention where to put your luggage. And they point out where the exits are. And they tell you what to do, in the event of an emergency, when the air masks drop. Plus, they show you what you’re supposed to do if you have kids? That’s right. Put your mask on first. Then, you can put your kids’ masks on.
And of course, that’s because if you faint, due to lack of oxygen, you’re not gonna be able to help anybody. Much less your children.
Now, what’s so boring about that? I mean, it’s pretty important. Right?
After all, it could mean the difference between life and death.
But, you might ask, “Ronda, you’re a business coach? What’s that got to do with business?”
Simple. You’ve got to get your own business in order before you can take care of any customers or clients.
And you’re probably not gonna be able to help them if your business is on life support.
And by that I mean you don’t have a system for keeping track. No automation or delegation. And no processes in place for follow-ups, referrals, or repeat business. Organizing and systematizing your business comes first. Then, you can take on customers and serve them properly.
Good news is…it’s not nearly as hard as it sounds.
And it can go so much faster when you plug you and your business into a system that’s already proven to work wonders. The RondaReady System is your best choice. Because it has something no other system in the world has.
Me! I love to help go-getters succeed. But maybe you’re still on the fence about investing in a proven System. Or maybe you’re just starting out and can’t afford a premium System.
In that case, I’ve got a great alternative solution to help you get going. And it’s the RondaReady UNversity monthly classes. Each month I share a real How-To lesson with my class. And those lessons are on the first Thursday of each month. So, that means another lesson is coming up in less than a week.
Yep. February’s UNversity class is next Thursday, on the 3rd. And that lesson will be one of the most important ones I’ve shared. Because it’s about Processes and Procedures. And how having them in place can save you a ton of time and help you make more money.
Plus, you can enroll for about the cost of one loop around your favorite dinner drive-thru. But the “beef” you’ll get in my UNversity classes can help you afford lots of trips to your favorite restaurant. Click or tap that link.
Stay Ready,
(that’s 50 cents a day, wow!)