Spiraling down the social media whirlpool
Americans love their snazzy, “smart appliances.” It’s getting to the point where you can ask your refrigerator to calculate fractions for you while it monitors itself. And you can be somewhere halfway around the world and turn your house lights off with a tap on your phone. Advertising, these days, emphasizes how awesome you’ll feel knowing your appliances are so intuitively effective. For example, I just read an article about Whirlpool’s new “sensing technology.” And the article said their commercial is “a vignette of an attractive affluent couple enjoying a gourmet meal in a chic apartment…” Wow, even more proof of how easy it is for you, the small business owner, to get caught in the social media whirlpool. (pun intended)
There are lots of moving parts to social media. And that’s why it can turn into a whirlpool.
So, that’s why social media…and all your other marketing channels…should be as organized as you can make ’em. I can think of at least a half dozen tools you probably use to showcase your business. And those are just the tools. But each of them have a lot of details to organize. At least if you wanna know what’s working instead of guessing. And they’re only the tip of the iceberg in your marketing and prospecting.
I recently shared some tips about appointment scheduling. And those apply to your marketing and prospecting, too. Because, like I always say (and so does any millionaire or billionaire) Time. Is. Money. And your time is just as important any anybody else’s. In fact, it’s more important to you. Because it’s yours. And that’s especially important when it comes to social media.
Of course, it’s a great idea to stay social. And it’s not even a bad idea to connect to people on the relevant channels. But there are tons of distractions. And I don’t believe anyone is immune. I’ve had to catch myself and pull back from clicking or tapping on link after link.
So, that’s why I recommend a certain tool for every business owner. And it’s a tool to help you handle Google and Yelp reviews. It’ll help you with your Facebook profiles, Pages, and groups. Plus, you’ll be able to stay on top of surveys, testimonials, and endorsements. And with this tool, you’ll be able to use your brain for more creativity and growth. And that’s working ON your business. Not IN it.
An added benefit…you’ll feel more sociable.
By the way…my RondaReady business coach business management system has this tool I’m talking about. And I’ve made it plug and play useable for you. With lots of attention to all those details IN your business. It’s designed to get you going much faster than you can by yourself. And that means it pays for itself. At least it will for go-getters who take action.
If that’s you, then you’re really ready to be the highly organized CEO of your business. And in that case, book a free 30 minute call with me. And together we’ll see if my system is right for you. Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,