Well, it’s the day after the big solar eclipse. And I know a lot of people put off goals, at least for the day, so they could go see the moon make a big shadow … Read the rest…
Tag Archives: achieve your goals
Mystery achievement you’re so unreal. Mystery achievement, Where’s my sandy beach? Yeah. I had my dreams like everybody else. But they’re out of reach. Have you ever heard “Mystery Achievement” by the Pretenders? I love … Read the rest…
Let’s talk about your emergency fund. Sounds like fun. Right? The reason I’m bringing it up is because this morning I remembered a conversation I had with a financial planner client of mine. And we … Read the rest…
Wow! November 2023. I can remember when that sounded like it was far off in the distant future. But here it is. And today, the 7th, means one week of it is already gone. I … Read the rest…
Most people in America don’t ride a train to work. Or even take a train ride for any reason. So, it might seem a little strange that I’m gonna ask you to imagine you’re waiting … Read the rest…
OK, answer me this. What do dog food, Mickey Mouse, and vision have in common? Well, way back in 1921 they all had a young entrepreneur in Kansas City, in common. He was a guy who … Read the rest…
There’s an old Stevie Wonder song where he sings, “I love you more today than yesterday…but not as much as tomorrow?” And without actually saying it, he says make today count. Because his words are … Read the rest…
Here it is. Day number 365 in the year that was 2021. And that means this is the last time I’ll talk to you this week, this month, and this year. Day number 365 also … Read the rest…
I’m sure if I asked you to make a list of what you wanna get done today, “reach your goals” probably wouldn’t be on the list. Right? I mean, that’s so last decade. Of course … Read the rest…
Would you rather be able to buy your own home, take good care of your loved ones, or go on vacations more than one week a year? OK, it’s a trick question. Because I’m sure … Read the rest…