Once upon a time there lived a young boy named Riley (not his real name) who grew up next to a roaring river in Colorado. As soon as he was old enough, his father took … Read the rest…
Tag Archives: book a call
Hard to believe, but it’s almost time to watch “The Bishop’s Wife” again. What?! You haven’t seen it?! Wow, you’ve really missed out. And it’s easy to find on lots of channels. So, even though … Read the rest…
Well, it’s the first day of the traditional work week. And you know what that means. Right? Yeah, it’s Motivation Monday. So, who’s ready to be motivated? Please don’t tell me you’re like Melinda when … Read the rest…
If you wanna bake some cookies, you don’t just need the ingredients. Right? And if you wanna compete in the Olympics, as a swimmer, you don’t just need a pool. I think we can all … Read the rest…
Imagine you’re a young medical student (and surfer) whose mother recently died of cancer (Sorry to sound so morbid. But bear with me). And you decide to take a trip to a secluded beach where … Read the rest…
I saw an ad on a search engine results page. And it aroused my curiosity. Because it mentioned a mind reader game that’s played online. And I had a couple of spare minutes before my … Read the rest…
(This post was supposed to come to you last Friday. But technology did what it sometimes does. So, the scheduling software let me down. But it’s just as important now. So here you go.) When … Read the rest…
I hope December will finish out your year in a big, successful way. I know everything’s real hustle-bustle at this time of year. And I know it be tough to do all you gotta do … Read the rest…
Dr Seuss books are popping up, for sale, all over again. Hmm…whatever could it mean? Could it even remotely have something to do with the fourth quarter frenzy. You know, that thing that happens every … Read the rest…
You might not realize this, but today is National Kiss and Make Up Day. Yeah, I don’t know who comes up with this stuff. And at first glance, it sounds pretty goofy. Or corny. But … Read the rest…