Even the Rolling Stones, who sang “Time is on my side,” know that all the time in the world ain’t what it used to be. Mick Jagger, their frontman, will be 81 this summer. Yikes! … Read the rest…
Tag Archives: schedule control
Let’s see, how long has it been since this time yesterday? Hmm…my closest calculations tell me it’s been 24 hours. How ’bout you? Pretty much the same amount of time. Yeah, I think you and … Read the rest…
Power and Control. (cue the evil doctor laugh, mwa-ha-ha-ha!) OK, get out your dictionary. It’s time to look up some stuff and figure some things out. First, a quick look at the definition of management … Read the rest…
In spite of broken clocks and watches, time does not stop. Even the Rolling Stones knew that when they sang, “Time is on my side.” Hang on. That’s not the right lyrics. I really meant … Read the rest…
Somebody else. Is that the answer to the question, “Who controls your time?” If so, I can make a few predictions that I bet you agree with. You don’t like Mondays Tuesday through Friday aren’t … Read the rest…
Wow. December 1st already. Yeah, you can look back through history books and see it. The way the weeks, months, years, decades, and centuries passed. It was always time after time. One day followed the … Read the rest…
“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” Yikes, that sounds harsh. So, how about this instead? “The best investment you can make, is an … Read the rest…
If you’ve lived long enough to have to make an appointment with a doctor or a lawyer, you can probably relate to what I’m talkin’ about right now. You know how difficult it is to … Read the rest…
If you wanna fill up your schedule, big time, just build, show, and sell houses in a highly competitive real estate market. That’ll do it. And I know, from experience, that’s not nearly as fun … Read the rest…
As I drove to meet with a client, earlier this week, I saw a pun on a business billboard. It said, “Why should you not give Elsa a balloon? Because she’ll just let it go. … Read the rest…