I’ve never understood why tight rope walkers do what they do. Especially when they go very high, don’t use a net, and tempt death over and over. But I guess not all of us care … Read the rest…
Tag Archives: solid systems
The Day After Tomorrow is a 2004 American science fiction disaster film. And it’s based on the 1999 book, “The Coming Global Superstorm,” by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber. I only know those names because … Read the rest…
Imagine yourself as an eleven year old girl. Guys, you can skip this one if you prefer. Anyway…you’re a young girl, in the last quarter of the 19th century. And your first job is working … Read the rest…
A friend of mine shared a story with me, yesterday. And maybe it won’t mean a thing to you. But I thought it was a great example of how to take each day of life. … Read the rest…
Organization skills? Check ✓ Hey Mr. Or Ms. Messy Desk business owner. Do you suffer from OSAD? Organization skills attention disorder. Well, before you get oh sad about it (Get it? OSAD…oh sad) let me … Read the rest…
Get “it” out of your head Write it down You remember the story of Isaac Newton, right? He was sitting in the shade of an apple tree. Having a nice day. Enjoying the cool breezes. … Read the rest…
Reach for the stars and get a piece of pie I just saw the movie, Aeronauts, on Amazon Prime Video. And I highly recommend it. Especially if you enjoy period movies. And this one is … Read the rest…
Farming Business – no, this is not about planting your corn early Someone I know, in the real estate industry, reminded me about the acronym FARM. In real estate it stands for: Fixed Area Repeatable … Read the rest…
Consistent business and more time off while making more money When you start out as do-it-yourselfer entrepreneur, it’s hard to imagine working less AND making more money. Believe me, I get it. I’ve been there … Read the rest…
Efficient business systems save energy How can you tell when something’s efficient? You know who’s good at measuring efficiency? Utility companies. Because they have tried and true methods and systems to rate you and me … Read the rest…