You could be the most talented singer ever. And you could be the most gifted artist the world might ever know. Or you could fix an engine, a faucet, or electrical outlet in your sleep. But talent is never enough. And when I say “never,” I’m not exaggerating.
A famous late night TV guy also believed talent is never enough.
Maybe you’re too young to know or remember Johnny Carson, the undisputed King of Late Night. But here’s what he said about it. “Talent alone won’t make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at the right time, unless you are ready.”
Hmm. He used the word, Ready.
Yeah, success doesn’t just happen. You gotta GET ready for it.
Check out what Mr. Carson did to get Ready. And he was what most would consider the most successful late night TV host ever. He was on 5 nights a week for over 30 years. And he became a household name. And you can’t do that much TV without getting and being READY.
Johnny would come out at the start of each of his shows and do a monologue. He could make it look so easy. His timing was great. His delivery was punchy. And he always looked prepared for anything. He was READY.
But you don’t get that way accidentally. It takes time and persistence. And you gotta be willing to make mistakes and keep moving forward. Johnny Carson had all that. And, over the course of his career, he built a better and better system to deliver a more focused entertaining program.
Fortunately you don’t have to stand in front of a studio audience. And you don’t have to perform with the knowledge that millions more people watch you on TV as you make your mistakes. But you DO have to be willing to make those mistakes and keep moving forward. With a plan. Because talent is never enough.
OK, I think I’ve made that point now.
Yeah, a System is priceless if you wanna stay on track. But a System can take years to create and develop. Mr. Carson knew that. And he developed a system that others still use to this day.
But one more key point about Johnny. He knew who he was and where he wanted to go. So, he didn’t veer from his vision. You need to be that way, too. At least if you want a shot at success.
And that’s why I started RondaReady YOUniversity. To help young people (and even not so young), just starting out, discover WHO they are and WHERE they wanna go. Because, as I always say, “If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?”
And it’s a super concentrated alternative to college and business schools. Because RondaReady YOUniversity is the place where you discover how to figure out and focus on your vision for your life. Then, you discover how to get where you wanna go to achieve your dreams. Since talent is never enough, it’s critical for you to start this way.
And the good news is you won’t have student loans to pay for over the next 10 to 20 years. Far from it. In fact, when you implement the YOUniversity training, your sales and profits can pay for it. Easily.
I’d love to tell you more and find out where you’d like to take your dreams, ideas, and business. Pick a time, below, to book a call with me. Let’s talk soon.
Stay Ready,