A couple of years ago I shared a short video about what I call the “trilogy of thoughts into action.” And I’m gonna share some thoughts (no pun intended) about that again. Because I just read an article that made me chuckle. It said you can change your thoughts into something real in 30 seconds. And the example was to think about a piece of cake. Then, buy the cake. And eat the cake.
I love cake. But I think you can turn thoughts into action for much better results.
So, here’s the short version of the trilogy. Thoughts before feelings before action.
There you go. Take that and run with it. No need to thank me. Glad to help.
And you think, “Take what and run with it? Thank you for what? Help me how?”
Just my wry sense of humor. But humor me for a little bit. Because I truly DO want to help you.
I talk to my kids about this all the time. And I have open conversations with my friends and clients about it. How feelings can often dictate things in daily life. But feelings aren’t the beginning of the trilogy. Remember, it’s thoughts, feelings, and action.
Your thought life has the power to establish what you’ll actually do. Throughout each day AND your life.
Get your thoughts Ready, (part of what I call the Get Ready phase).
And get them clear in your mind as you focus on positive things. Because it’s human nature to be negative. It’s part of this world we live in. So, it’s way too easy to quickly grab onto the negative and try to wrestle it to the ground.
But the sooner you turn your thoughts around to the positive, the sooner your feelings will follow right along. And wouldn’t you rather feel good everyday? I sure would. Because, when feelings are good, actions tend to be good.
It works so well, it’s almost like magic. But no magician required.
So, today, take some time to recognize when you’re not feeling so great. And then pay attention to your thoughts. What kind of questions do you ask yourself? Maybe that’s a good place to start a new and different story. Get some better questions. And then you can get some better answers.
Equipped with better answers, you’ll be better equipped to manage the expectations of your customers and clients. I’ll be sharing a how-to lesson on managing expectations in my UNversity class for April. That’s next Thursday. But you won’t be able to see it if you didn’t enroll by yesterday. Because the enrollment deadline is always the last day of the prior month. And that was yesterday.
Good news is…you can be super ready for May’s UNversity class when you enroll today. It’s gonna be great. Because it’s all about how to de-clutter your business and life. Your link is below.
Stay Ready,