Does any of this sound like you? “Seems like I just get started and the day’s over.” Or how about, “There just aren’t enough hours in the day.” And maybe you’ve even said, “I hate deadlines. Because my time is up way before I finish.” Don’t feel bad if you can relate.
I know the sense of dread in that “time is up” feeling. I have kids.
And by that I just mean trying to start and run a business, while dealing with all the day-to-day stuff that happens with kids, is tough. It’s so easy to run out of time before it all gets done.
Especially when you run around trying manage time instead of controlling your schedule.
So, I want you to notice something.
And I want you to remember it from now on. Even if you forget everything else you learn, will learn, or ever have learned about business. Because what I’m about to share with you is proof positive you don’t have a problem managing time.
OK, are you ready? Great.
If you’re wearing a watch, look at it right now. If you’re not, just look at any clock that’s handy.
OK, are you looking at it? Good. Now, what do you see? I predict your watches, clocks, and digital timekeepers show some form of 12 numbers. Pretty incredible, right? Well, I’m not done. Now, start at the top of the clock and follow the numbers clockwise (pun only slightly intended). And I predict the numbers go from 12 to 1 and all the way back to 12. Yes?
Wow! How’s that for magic? Without even seeing your clock I could tell you what’s on it. Is that amazing or what?
Naturally, I’m just being silly to illustrate the silliness of time management issues. Because your watch or clock is NOT unique. You and I (and everybody else) deal with the same numbers on the clock. And you and I (and everybody else) have the same hours every day.
So, I suggest you don’t have a time management problem.
Because time can’t actually be managed anyway. It’s gonna pass whether any of us like it or not. Right?
But what I suggest is that you have a control issue. A schedule control issue to be more exact. And it’s difficult, if not impossible, to fix that issue if you don’t build or get a system for control.
As it just so happens, my RondaReady System is Ready to help you Get Ready, Be Ready, and Stay Ready. And in total control of your schedule. That’s a lotta Ready.
But you should know, it’s not magic. You’ll have to do some upfront work. But once you plug in, don’t be surprised when you stop feeling like time is up…all the time. When that’s the results you’d rather see, book a free call with me. And let’s talk about whether or not the RondaReady System is right for you. I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,Ronda