I can almost hear Julie Andrews singing it right now as I think about the time wasting games business owners play. Before I share what some of them are, do a search, on YouTube, for Ms. Andrews. And look for her singing a song about some fun things in life. In fact, the song is called “My Favorite Things.” OK, get that tune in your head ‘cause we’re gonna sing our own version to that tune.
Here are some time wasting games for business owners.
Remember, sing along to the tune from Mary Poppins.
Bookkeeping, licensing, analyzing, forecasting.
And payable, receivable, accounts inconceivable.
Banking, reviewing, and tons of renewing…,
These are a few of my time wasting games.
Updating manuals, websites, and visuals,
Vendor selections, computer corrections,
Tracking it all while you’re on a phone call,
These are a few of the time wasting games.
And we’re just gettin’ warmed up. You could probably add several more verses of your own.
Because you’ve also gotta consider timeframes, contracts, negotiations, price structures, etc, etc, etc.
So, how do you do all that AND keep moving forward? I’ll bet your dream wasn’t to spend your days doing all those things in the “song.” Right?
But those things still gotta get done.
Because they’re the foundation to your whole business. And without ’em, good luck. But not by YOU.
So, what’s gonna help you focus and organize so you don’t mess up your accounts receivable? And what’s gonna help you avoid penalties and interest because of late payments or late taxes?
Well, I wish I could say all you need is my RondaReady System. But it’s gonna take one more thing or nothing in the world can help.
But fair warning.
Because it’s what most business owners refuse to keep around for very long.
Can you guess what it is?
It’s YOU. You and your commitment to build and implement a great system. Or maybe better yet…
Get your very own 24/7/365 R.O.N.D.A.
Your own Responsive, Organized, Nonstop, Digital Assistant.
My RondaReady System can help you get organized, get more clients, and save a HUGE amount of time. But only when you plug in and work your system.
Ready to be the highly organized CEO of your business? Then click or tap that button, below, and book a free call with me. And let’s see if my RondaReady System is right for you and your business. Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,