Travel restrictions?
I’d like to share a really cool story that shows how awesome it is to Stay Ready in your business. It’s the hands-free part I’m always talking about. Because that’s really the Ultimate Reward for putting in all the hard work. The Get Ready and Be Ready stages that get you to the Stay Ready part. And an example of the rewards is how certain travel restrictions don’t apply to you.
What if you could lift some travel restrictions on yourself?
Wouldn’t it be awesome to travel and not worry about your business? It has a lot to do with mindset and focus. And being ready with the right strategies. And schedule control and performance measurements. All those lead to the Stay Ready part.
Get all your processes and procedures outlined. Then, get tools and other people working in your business. So, you can work ON it. And you can even be away from it when you need, want, or desire. Yeah!
One of my clients, during our recent appointment, said he’s now looking into traveling. A lot! In fact, most of the time. In an RV. So, he can see a lot more of this great country of ours. And he can do that now. Because he’s done all the hard work to get there.
You know…you’ll go through business one way or another. Either hanging on by your fingernails. Or by doing the constructive work. What I like to call “Frontloading”…either at the beginning, or whenever it dawns on you to “get it done.” Then you reap the rewards of going hands-free.
So, congratulations to my client. Because That. Is. Awesome. To be able to realize and reap the benefits of all his hard work. And now…still make that great income and be anywhere he wants.
My RondaReady business coach CRM system can get you there, too. Better and faster than you might realize.
If that sounds good to you, then you might be really, really ready to get ready, and get RondaReady and…
Stay Ready,