This morning I remembered how a client of mine told me she didn’t “have a clue” what customers want from her next. So, I suggested she take a survey.
If you wanna know what customers want, maybe you should ask.
Imagine if you could figure out ways to improve your products and services and information. Because there’s potential for business disaster if you start getting a lot of bad reviews. So, asking your customers for suggestions about how you could improve might help you understand what they want.
And a survey, with questions like that, could help you have a much deeper understanding of who’s spending money with you. And that understanding could help you create processes to help them feel confident about doing even more business with you.
Then, when they’re spending more with you, it helps you identify buying trends. Guess what that does? Well, I won’t make you guess. It helps you develop and sell more of what they obviously want. Score!
And guess what happens when you give them more of what they want? Again, I won’t make you guess. When you can provide more of what customers want, you can build better and longer-lasting relationships. You can become the brand they think of first. Ask Apple if that works.
Yeah, there’s nothing like brand loyalty (and never forget you ARE a brand) to reduce and eliminate bad reviews or word of mouth information. And you can be sure bad reviews and bad word of mouth (aka social media) can slow down your profits.
So, all that, and quite a bit more, is why I suggested customer surveys to my client.
“Take a survey? That sounds complicated” she said.
But I showed her how it doesn’t have to be. And you can do this, too. It’s especially easy if you’re set up in the RondaReady System. Because a lot of the work is already set up for you there.
And I’ve included tools to help you set it up and track your progress once you do. I hope you realize how progress means way more than perfection. Because perfection is impossible anyway. It’s just a disguise for hesitation and procrastination.
The progress I’m talking about is a simple process. But it’s not easy. And that’s fine. Because if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Right?
And you know, probably as well as I do, everybody is NOT doing this. That makes you the exception. So, be proud of yourself. And keep this in mind, too…
People like to help other people. So, all you have to do is ask to find out what customers want. Speaking of asking, there’s a link to the RondaReady System below. You don’t even have to ask. Just click or tap.
Stay Ready,