Is it tense where you are?
Have you ever walked an untrained, big dog on a leash? Take it from me, it’s no fun. Because the constant tension on the leash can tire your arms out faster than you can say “roll over.” But compare that with dogs that are trained to be aware of where you are. They stay close by your side so well you hardly even feel the leash in your hand. And that makes the walk so much more enjoyable.
In life, knowing where you are can ease other kinds of tension.
If your present circumstances are tense, maybe you’ve moved away from your training. Or your skills. Maybe even your vision. It happens. Life is full of distractions. And no one’s immune. But the difference between you and those who fail is…you’re not gonna give up just because the going got tough.
You know what it feels like to accomplish goals, or you wouldn’t have a business at all. So, don’t let those little doubt demons talk you out of believing in yourself and your business. You can either choose to be your own worst enemy or your own best friend. Going the friend route is much easier on your body, mind, and soul. And you can work on it a couple of ways.
- Remember your original vision for you and your business.
- Put together an organized plan to help you get there.
For example, let’s say your business feels like that untrained dog I mentioned before. You could try to ignore the strain. Or resign yourself to dealing with it because that’s just the way it is. Or you could choose to remove the constant tension.
Because constant tension can break down even the best of us.
So, using the dog analogy again, instead of dealing with the straining leash, take your dog to an obedience class. Or hire a professional trainer. You could even get a book, and learn how to train the dog yourself. Regardless of which way you use, the important thing is training. It benefits you because it gives your arm a break from the strain. And it benefits your dog because it finally knows what’s expected and doesn’t have to choke on a leash anymore.
That special training is available for your business, too. The RondaReady business coach CRM system can help you take the strain off your mind, body, and soul. It can help you go from where you are back to where you wanna be. Maybe it can even help you get a new “leash” on life. (see what I did there?) And for sure, it can help you…
Stay Ready,
If you’re a real go-getter, you can get a free version of my business building system…
If you’re not ready to commit to hiring an online business coach, AND if you’re a confident do-it-yourselfer, grab my free book: There’s also a paperback version available for $20 on Amazon if you’d rather pay for it and not subscribe to my emails. Whichever way you choose, everything I teach my one-on-one clients is in the book. And you can start building your business better, today.