Peter Nivio Zarlenga, a famous American businessman, said, “Action conquers fear.” And I can tell you from experience how you can take action, conquer fear, and even reduce stress. But the best thing to keep in mind is how you have total access to an amazing action center.
You’ve probably heard this famous quote from President Franklin Roosevelt. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
So what do you suppose keeps you from activating your action center?
Short answer? Exactly what President Roosevelt said. Fear.
Maybe the longer answer is, fear plus not knowing how to activate your action center. Because, maybe you don’t even know where it is. If that’s the case, here’s some great news. It’s in your head.
Your thoughts. Your mindset.
But you gotta make that first move. The first action is almost action-free. Decide.
Yeah, make the decision to take action. And THAT activates your action center, which is your brain. After that, you soon discover how the next logical steps can start falling into place. And that’ll motivate you to take more action. And that’ll lead to more steps falling into place.
Do you see a pattern forming here?
I hope you realize that you only fail if you give up or never start.
So, I encourage you to find someone (even if it’s not me) who’s got the systems in place to help you minimize your risks and maximize your results. Of course, I believe you’ll love the many benefits of the RondaReady Business System hub. It’s kinda like a digital action center that works in sync with your mental action center.
And I have lots of successful business owners as clients who agree.
But I don’t wanna yammer on about how wonderful my system is. Because you might not need it at all. Or you might not be the least bit interested in setting up a system for your dreams and goals.
But if you ARE, then I invite you to schedule a call with me so you can tell me about what you’d like to do about your dreams and goals. And maybe I can help you, too.
Here’s your link to get started.
Stay Ready,
Responsive Organized Nonstop Digital Axis