Wanna make a good impression? Good. Wanna make an impressive impression by doing something almost none of your competitors will do? Even better. And books for entrepreneurs is a powerful way to do that.
But I don’t mean books for entrepreneurs you find in the self-help section.
No, I mean the books that work FOR entrepreneurs. Because the entrepreneurs are the authors. Wow, I just used the word “entrepreneurs” five times. And I’m just getting warmed up.
Seriously, if you wanna stand out from your competition, write and publish a book. It’s a great way to establish authority and credibility. Because writing and publishing a book isn’t easy. If it was, everybody would do it. And they’re not. So, again. Wanna make an impressive impression on your potential clients and customers?
Then show them you’ve got the dedication, know-how, and persistence to complete even the most difficult work. Show them you’re an expert in your field. High-value clients and customers will understand, at least on some level, what it took for you to write and publish your book. And they’re more likely to believe you can help solve problems.
Your book (or books) can be a hundred times more valuable than business cards. Especially if it spotlights your abilities to provide solutions for business owners and wannabes. Plus, when your book includes your story, how you got where you are and why, they can start to sort of feel like they know you. And you remember that old saying, “People do business with those they know, like, and trust.”
And books for entrepreneurs can be great branding tools.
Think of your favorite, high-profile, “guru.”
I’ll bet the second you think of them, you see or remember something about them that stands out. Right? Someone who comes to my mind is Kevin O’leary, from the show Shark Tank. And what do they call him? Mr. Wonderful.
Yeah, that’s brand recognition with the added bonus of being entertaining.
And if and when you can put that sort of package together, you could just become unstoppable. And to think, it all started with a book.
Here’s something Entrepreneur Magazine said about the power of books for entrepreneurs: “…books can serve as powerful tools for building relationships. A book that offers tangible value in the form of actionable advice, valuable insights, or fresh perspectives can serve as a magnet for potential clients. By engaging readers and encouraging them to think differently, a book opens the door to further discussions, networking opportunities, and, ultimately, the establishment of meaningful connections with potential high-value clients.”
Wow, that’s a lot of power packed into a small package.
And that’s why I packed my RondaReady System into a book a few years ago. It’s available on Amazon. And it’s not cheap. In fact, it’s $115 ($100 for the Kindle version). But it’s the kind of book that can pay for itself over and over and over. At least for someone who’s willing to implement the business-building strategies my high-paying, one-on-one clients have used with tons of success.
But do me (and yourself) a favor. Don’t even think of spending $115 on my book if you know you won’t follow through. Because I don’t want it to cost you anything. And that’s exactly what’ll happen if you don’t follow through.
So, essentially, my book is only for the very few who will do the work to reap the rewards.
If that’s you, awesome. And in that case, get yourself a copy on Amazon and start reaping. If you do, I’d like you do me a favor. Keep in touch and let me know how it’s going.
And if you’re someone who learns better working with someone instead of reading a book, let’s talk about it. Book a free call with me, with that handy calendar below. And give me a chance to see where you wanna go in life. I’d love to help YOU if I can. Let’s talk soon.
Stay Ready,
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