Imagine getting up tomorrow morning and everything is business as usual. OK, no problem so far. Right? So, you start your morning routine. Get dressed. Put on your face. Fix your hair. And gulp down your coffee and bagel (or whatever gets YOU going). And head out the door (or down the hall) to work.
But then, for some unknown reason, you decide to start writing some of your thoughts down on your notepad lying there on the kitchen counter.
And without knowing how, or why, your brain dumps out tons and tons of hidden clutter. And then, in a flash, you’re transported to another space and time. No flashing lights. No strange sound effects. Just gone.
You’re somewhere unfamiliar and wonderful. Definitely NOT business as usual.
And within a couple of minutes you realize you just entered a whole new state. But the new state isn’t Alabama or Wyoming. It’s not even Florida or California. No, you’re in a blissful, exciting new state of mind.
And, in this new state of mind, brain clutter and distracting thoughts and tons of facts and figures don’t exist. In fact, look closer. See all of those boxes stacked neatly in clean corners? Notice how they’re marked with details more efficiently than you’ve ever experienced before?
Yeah, business as usual just turned into business bliss.
And all you had to do was let all those brain burdens quietly flow out of your head. That, my friend, is the power of a brain dump. Now, all you gotta do is follow this system that you don’t have to keep in your head.
Because the best part is that you’ll know where it all is if and when you wanna put some of it back in your head to complete and polish and shine. And here’s what’s gonna fire up, big time, when you follow your system.
Creativity. Dreams. Ideas. And Passion.
Sure, you’ll still have your business as usual. But it can be so much more. And it can all start when you decide to pick up a pencil and write down your thoughts. And stick with your system.
Does it all sound like fantasy land?
Well, IT IS, if you never pick up the pencil and use your proven system.
So, as I write this, it’s Friday. It’s a great day to consider trying a brain dump this weekend.
And once you declutter your mind, consider getting my RondaReady System book. Because the brain dump tip is just one of the many ways I can help you take your business, or ideas, to the next level. And why go it alone when you don’t have to? Use the time-tested system I’ve put together, and get going better and faster.
Or stick with the business as usual plan if that’s workin’ for ya.
I recommend you make an investment in YOU and your future. Get the RondaReady System book on Amazon, today! Or at least contact me to talk about it if you have questions.
Just in case text links don’t work for you, here’s the clunky version of the link. You can copy and paste it in your browser:
Time’s a-wastin’. Get started today. Right now. And…
Stay Ready,