Does it feel like your business owns you?
Tell me if this sounds familiar. You had a dream of owning a business. And you worked hard, made a lot of right moves, and sure enough…you made your dream come true. In fact, you did such a good job, now you even have employees. Awesome! Good for you. Only…is it good for you, when you find yourself working 12 to 14 hour days with no time to enjoy anything you thought you would? Maybe it feels like your business owns you.
It’s no laughing matter when your business owns you.
The scenario I described, above, unfortunately isn’t made up. It’s real. All too real for a business owner friend of a client of mine. And he’s actually working those 12 to 14 hour days. As he puts it, “Not even taking time to have a fun game of golf.” He even has employees he can trust. But, after asking a few questions, I found out he’s not effectively delegating. Big mistake.
Because this business owner believes everything would crumble without him, it’s now a giant weight around his neck. And he can’t be sure the business will support him and his employees. Talk about stress-filled days. Even though his business is making good money, he’s filled with worry. It consumes his daily thoughts. And that’s a recipe for disaster.
So, I recommended learning how to delegate properly.
Because when you make your operations easily repeatable, then everybody does it your way. And you don’t have to feel like it’s all gonna blow up if you decide to go enjoy some time with your family. Or who knows? Maybe even enjoy a game of golf…if that’s your thing.
And here’s an added benefit I’ve seen happen a lot of times. When you hire qualified people for the right positions, oftentimes they can help you tweak your operations even better. I know…crazy talk, right? How could anyone do anything in your business better than you? But guess what? You’re not the best at everything. And why would you want to be? Especially when you can pay someone less money than you’d need to do the same work…or even better work.
My RondaReady online business coach CRM system can help you figure out the business details. It can help you feel confident things are gonna go smoothly when you’re not there. And then you can enjoy lots more home life, time with kids and family, time away to rejuvenate. And don’t be surprised if you get super creative again. Let me help you…
Stay Ready,
When you’re really, really ready to get ready, get RondaReady
Wanna own your business again?
If you’re not ready to commit to hiring an online business coach, or if you’re a confident do-it-yourselfer, grab my free business building book. Click or tap the picture of the book over in the sidebar or right . There’s also a paperback version (not free, but affordable) available on Amazon HERE. Everything I teach my one-on-one clients is in the book. Start building your business better, today. I’m pullin’ for you.